only 4 thousand trees were cutted (do 4 thousand are only).Pakboy if go to murree it become so ugly because of shopping malls and hotel there if government initially purpose a plan for this so that no malls can be built after some specific area but you go now still today construction is on the top in Murree everywhere big big plazas and shopping malls are beeing made for the sake of money (illegally).Remember they are all illegal still government do not do anything.Even in Murree they have made Bus stop,Petrol pump,And garrages .hill station is not for this purposes.and In Nathia gali i think after 10 years Nathai Gali will also the same.Because tourists are now diverting from Murree to Nathia Gali.Even i dont stay at murreee because of ugly look of that Hill Station.And In Bhurban i ask y they build such a big hotel only for income nor they think of thousand of trees which cut because of this expensive hotel.